Create a Merchant Account

Your Account

Your Account

This information is for your Wallit account. You can use this account to manage the property you're creating, but you can also use it to purchase content from other merchants. It belongs to you personally, and will also have access to the Property you create below.

Secure Your Account

Please choose a strong password. Your password must be at least eight characters and contain a letter and a number, but we recommend at least twelve characters, with a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols. A longer and more random password will better secure your account.

Property Information

What is a Property?

Your website, and any website that uses Wallit, is a property.

Basic Information

The Title is the title of the property which gets displayed to consumers. This should be the name of your publication or company.

The Internal Name field lets you provide a convenient name for the property to help you identify it. This can be the same as the Title. This name is never displayed publicly to consumers.

The Tax ID Number is a federally-issued identifier for your business. Providing this field is optional.

The time zone you select will be used in any calendar-based calculations and will set the time zone used when displaying reports and transactions.

Property Contact Information

Contact Person Information

This information is for the designated contact at your company or organization.

The Contact Person Name field is for the name of the designated contact person.

The Position field is for the position the designated contact person holds within the company.

Indicates a required field.